Friday, August 8, 2008

More Scroll Box Codes

One of the more popular pages on Quackit is the MySpace Scroll Box Codes page, where you can get copy/paste codes for your MySpace page. Given the popularity of this page, I recently decided to add a few more scroll box related pages. These are:
  • Scroll Box Colors - Copy/paste codes for creating colored scroll boxes.
  • Scroll Box with Pictures - Codes for adding images to your scroll boxes. This includes images as actual content in the scroll box, as well as background images. Background images allow you to type text over the top of the image.
  • Scroll Box with Borders - Copy/paste codes for creating borders around your scroll boxes.
And don't forget, you can make it easy on yourself by using the Scroll Box Generator.


Hilary Hill (yes, really!) said...

I just wanted to say that I love your website! I am a total novice when it comes to website design & html etc. I have found both your website Quackit and blog to be a wealth of information that I am actually enjoying to read. Hopefully I will be able to get my new website up and running.
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4 da help!I also use html code 4 ma posting.ur website is helpful 4 me.come visit ma blog ait!!!!

thank you.

Unknown said...

Your website really helped me out. I didn't know anything about web design before I started working with your site. Now I am an owner of my own blog and am actually amking some income from it. Thanks a lot.

I would just like to suggest to you that you give a lot more information on PHP. I started out designing my page with just plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and when I learned a little PHP it made my life a lot easier.

Thanks though.

MY BLOG, thanks to Ian

CHILLAPPLE_Group said...

it is very useful for me... thanks for your information...